Thursday, August 31, 2017
Tesuco is pleased to announce the arrival of its new leak
detection product LeakXpose®.

LeakXpose®, now available in 2.2 litre disposable cylinders is
the most efficient and cost-effective way to detect leaks in HVAC-r
and other systems. It is a non-flammable mixture of 95% Nitrogen
and 5% Hydrogen that is non-toxic and environmentally safe. When
the system is charged with LeakXpose®, minute leaks can be found
using a suitable electronic detector. This is because of the very
small molecule size and low density of the Hydrogen gas
(approximately 15 times lighter than air). LeakXpose® can be
used with the same Nitrogen regulator currently used with
disposable Nitrogen cylinders. LeakXpose™ is also compatible
with all Nitrogen hoses.
Contact your nearest refrigeration equipment wholesaler
for availability.
Bill Cadd
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