Monday, September 9, 2013
PRODUCT IMPROVEMENT - IBEDA Torch End Flashback Arrestors
The most common complaint from users of gas cutting, welding and
heating equipment is the size and weight of the hand piece and the
flashback arrestors. This is especially true when they have
to spend a lot of time with a torch in their hand.
The IBEDA standard flow GG model torch end flashback arrestor
has always been smaller and lighter than its competitors, but with
the release of the latest version, a new benchmark has been
set. They are now the smallest and lightest torch end
flashback arrestor currently available on the Australian market,
with the same quality and functionality that is expected.

Like all IBEDA flashback arrestors, they are fully certified to
AS 4603, making them the only AS 4603 certified product currently
available on the Australian market. The certification has
been conducted by BAM (The Federal Institute for Materials Research
and Testing, Berlin), the largest independent testing facility in
the world.
IBEDA flashback arrestors; why would you trust anything
Wayne Molloy
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